Here is a recipe where you can get the frozen meatballs you made last time. A good tarragon creamy with a lot of lemons in the sauce to go with these meatballs should be a delight. Try it an evening for your family, they will definitely like them.
Put the instant pot in mode browning
Pour the oil into the bowl
Brown the meatballs and the slices of lemons
Melt the butter
Add the onion, confide for few minutes
Flour and mix well
Add the broth and cream
Mix well
Lightly season the balls and the lemons slices and put them back in the pot
Put the instant pot in cooking-pressure mode during 5 minutes
Add the tarragon
Put the instant pot in mode browning
Pour the oil into the bowl
Brown the meatballs and the slices of lemons
Melt the butter
Add the onion, confide for few minutes
Flour and mix well
Add the broth and cream
Mix well
Lightly season the balls and the lemons slices and put them back in the pot
Put the instant pot in cooking-pressure mode during 5 minutes
Add the tarragon