Browse Recipes
Coconut custardBy NoemieMore often, custard is made into a dessert. Here, you simply mix up some coconut with the usual ingredients of custard. It will be a delicious dessert.Carrots custardBy NoemieThis is another recipe for summer days. Here, you make a puree with carrots and then mix them up with the custard ingredients. It will be a fine first course dish.
Zucchinis custard with parmesanBy NoemieThis is another easy way to prepare custard and serve it as a first course. Here, you will cut some zucchinis and mix them up with cream, eggs, and cheeses. A rich and well flavor dish.
Crab custardBy NoemieWhy not try to prepare the crab custard if you like seafood? It’s bound to be good and it’s easy to fix. You just take some crab and mix it up with cream, eggs, and a little tomato paste.
Sweet potatoes and coconut milk custardBy NoemieSweet potatoes work really well in custard or pie. They can be used in a sweet dish or salty one. Either way, it is always good. Here, the recipe is with coconut milk and a little chili pepper.
Smoked salmon and spinach custardBy NoemieThis is an interesting combination of fish, spinach and custard base. You put the fish and vegetables in the bottom of the pan and cover it with the custard mixture. It is going to taste delicious.
Malaysian vapor cooked custardBy NoemieThis is a simple but rich dessert with sugar and custard ingredients. You will serve them with some whipped cream. It will end up rather nicely a light meal.
Chocolate fondantBy NoemieHere is a recipe for the chocolate lover. You mix up some chocolate with eggs, sugar, and butter. You will have some soft melting chocolate to savor after your meal.
Chocolate fondant and mascarpone(soft creamy cheese)By NoemieThe soft creamy cheese Mascarpone is often used in a dessert. In that case, you mix it up with chocolate, sugar, and eggs. Depending on the duration of cooking, you will have a more or less soft cake.