Browse Recipes
Stew rabbitBy NoemieDo you have friends that like rabbits? You can try to prepare that easy recipe of stew rabbi cook in wine. Some mushrooms will be added at the end to enhance the dish.
Lentils and mustardBy NoemieLentils are usually a little bland by itself. Well seasoned, it will taste a lot better. In that recipe, you use some hot mustard and bacon to enhance the dish.
Lentils and Montbeliard and Strasbourg sausagesBy NoemieIf you like mix sausages with lentils, that recipe is for you. It is very simple to prepare and the dish will be rich and tasty. A good dish for cole and wet days.Duck breast with orange sauceBy NoemieDo you feel like eating duck? Try that simple recipe of duck breast with an orange sauce. Your house is going to smell wonderful with the orange flavored dusk.Duck breast and little yellow plums (mirabelle)By NoemieIf you want something different, you can try the duck with yellow plums and cabbage. The little plums are very regional, growing in part of France and Switzerland. It will be an interesting dish to share with your friends.
Scallops and chorizo on a bed of leeksBy NoemieWhy not try a combination of scallops and chorizo sausages? The outcome could be surprisingly good. Let yourself be tempted by that recipe mixing up crustacean and sausage on a bed of leeks.Scallops, rice, coco and curryBy NoemieThis is a quick recipe to prepare for a celebration with an Asian touch. The scallops will be mixed up with rice, coconut and curry vegetables. It will be delicious. Scallops, vegetables and riceBy NoemieHere, you have a good mix up of scallops, rice, and vegetables. A tasty sauce made of wine, cream and spices will confer a great flavor to the dish. It is not complicated to prepare.
Pasta with sausages and shrimpsBy NoemieIf you enjoyed the pasta and sausages, you will find that one even more tempting. In that case, you add to the pasta some spinach and shrimps with some Parmesan sprinkled on top. It sounds delicious, doesn't it?