Browse Recipes
Rice for sushiBy NoemieDo you like sushi? If it's the case, here is a recipe to prepare the rice used in sushi. It's easy and quick and you will be able to make your sushi with other ingredients.
Beef kidney with mushroomsBy NoemieIf you like the preceding recipe, you should try this one. It is in the same style with different ingredients. Some mushrooms and cream will be added to the preparation. Duck roastBy NoemieI suppose you can cut any types of meat into a roast. In that recipe, duck is used. It will be mixed up with potatoes and cover in a pepper sauce.
Turkey roast with curryBy NoemieHow about a turkey roast with some nice curry seasoning? Rice will also join in the preparation. In the end, the cream will be added to make a delicious sauce.
Salmon with greenbeans in a Japanese styleBy NoemieThis recipe of salmon in an Asian style has a lot of steps to go through but the result should be great. The sesame seeds sprinkled on the fish should make it special.
Pie style tartiflette expressBy NoemieAll you need to prepare that recipe is potatoes, onion, cream, and cheese. After roasting a little the potatoes, they will be cooked before being mixed up with soft cheese. A salad would accompany well the dish.
Fennel soup with ParmesanBy NoemieDo you like the taste of fennel? If it's the case, why not try that simple recipe of fennel soup? It has a peculiar taste but it's a really good vegetable.
Lamb shank with honey, balsamic vinegar and white beansBy NoemieHow about some flank lamb with beans? It will result in a sturdy dish full of goodies. It will be a good meal to share with your friend.Shrimps curry with riceBy NoemieThis is an easy recipe to prepare with some good seafood. The shrimps mix up with vegetables; spices and rice should be very good and tasty. A good dish to share with friends.