Browse Recipes
Tuna riceBy NoemieIf you have a can of tuna, rice, cream, and a can of mushrooms, you can prepare that quick dish. A few more ingredients will be added to the preparation to make it even better.Rice with zucchinisBy NoemieThis is a good recipe when your garden is providing o lot of zucchinis. Mostly, the preparation consists of mixing up the two ingredients. At the end cream or tomato sauce can be added to the dish.Rice with eggplants and mozzarellaBy NoemieYou can also prepare a delicious light dish with rice and vegetables. In this light version, rice will be mixed with eggplants and mozzarella. This is a good cheese to use in a low calorie dish. Rice with meatballsBy NoemieMeatballs have all kind of usage. Usually, they are mixed up with pasta or rice and a sauce. If you use some frozen one, the dish will be ready quickly. Rice with carrots and spicesBy NoemieWith that recipe, spices will make the difference. It's rice in an Asian fashion with carrots and curry in a light way for people concern with calories. It should be very good.Rice with chipolatasBy NoemieThis is a very easy and quick preparation of rice with little sausages. A good dish for an evening with your friend when the cooking isn't a priority. A salad would accompany well the dish.Cream of zucchinis with soft cheeseBy NoemieZucchinis make a wonderful soup. You can add all kind of herbs and spices to the soup. You also can put zucchinis in the freezer during summer and make delicious soups in the winterCream of spaghetti squashBy NoemieSpaghetti squash is an interesting vegetable. When opened the flesh looks like spaghetti. Mixing it with potato and carrot will help the texture and make it more smooth. Cream of pumpkinBy NoemieThey are so many different types of pumpkin available on the market that you could prepare a different soup every night for a while. In that recipe, a pumpkin is used with some cream and spices to enhance the texture and taste.