Browse Recipes
Pork fillet mignon, zucchinis, potatoes, soft white creamy cheese (mascarpone) and mintBy NoemieWhy not try to prepare that rich and delicious recipe where the pork is mixed up with vegetable and some soft white creamy cheese. The result will be a complete dish with great savor.
Veal fillet mignon and creamy cheese (Saint AgurBy NoemieIf you really want some tender meat, you may want to try the veal roast cooked with some creamy French cheese. In that recipe, you simply mix the meat with the cheese and a few spices.
Veal fillet mignon in a sauce with potatoesBy NoemieThis is a version of veal roast with potatoes and olives cooked in liquid. You will have to add some good spices and flavor to end up with a good dish to serve to your family.
Braised fillet mignon, rice and vegetablesBy NoemieIn that recipe, you will have your pork roast cooked with tomatoes and a lot of herbs spices. The dish will be well flavored and you can serve it to your friends.
Fillet mignon, potatoes and carrotsBy NoemieHow about preparing a light and healthy dish for your weight watchers friends? In that recipe, you take a pork roast and cook it with a bunch of vegetables and some spices.
Fillet mignon with its goose liver sauceBy NoemieThis is an easy and quick way to present your roast with a fancy sauce. You will cook the meat in a sauce made of cream and goose liver before serving it to your family.
Alaskan hake and small cut vegetables in a white sauceBy NoemieIf you are in a hurry, you may try that quick recipe. Here, you will cook your fish fillet with some frozen vegetables and cream. In no time, your lunch will be ready.
Turkey fillet, precooked wheat in a mustard sauceBy NoemieThis is another recipe for people that want to present a healthy dish in very little time. You just cooked the turkey with precooked wheat and make a nice spicy sauce to go with it.
Plaice fillet and vegetablesBy NoemieHere, you have a really healthy recipe comprising of fish and summer vegetables. In season, you may prepare the dish with some fresh garden vegetables to make a delicious meal.