Browse Recipes
Simple potato gratinBy NoemieIf you like gratins, you can prepare that easy recipe of potato gratin. You just mix the potatoes with some onion, garlic, and cream. It will be delicious and you can accompany it with a crisp fresh salad.
Cauliflower gratin and baconBy NoemieYou can gratin about any types of vegetables. It gives a special touch to the dish. In that recipe, cauliflower is used in a nice creamy sauce. A few bacon pieces to improve the flavor and texture.Zucchini gratinBy NoemieThis is an interesting way to present a gratin. you will take some zucchini, make a puree and mix it with rice and an egg. Once the mixture is ready, you cover it with cheese before putting it in the oven. It sounds delicious.Sweet potatoes gratin and lambBy NoemieExpress potato gratin and smoke sausagesBy NoemieIf you are in a hurry, you can use a package of gratin potato. You will just have to mix it up with cream and some sausage in that recipe. A few spices and herbs to enhance the flavor of the dish. Minced beef meat and potatoesBy NoemieThis is an interesting way to mix ground beef with potatoes. In the recipe, you mix up everything together with cream, adding a few spices and herbs to flavor the dish.Mince meat and sweet potatoesBy NoemieThis is another recipe of minced meat with some potato puree. in that case, you use some sweet potatoes and ground beef. You will put it in the oven with some cheese to brown it. This is a good and healthy dish.Vegetarian hamburgerBy NoemieHow about fixing some vegetarian hamburger. Tomatoes to replace bread and seitan instead of meat. Of course, you will add some sliced cheese and pickle to make it perfect. It is going to be delicious and healthy.White beans and chorizoBy NoemieBeans make a good base for a meal. You have a lot of different types and color. In that recipe, you mix white beans with sausage and tomatoes. Very simple and quick to prepare.