Browse Recipes
Pork filet mignon, Roquefort and vegetablesBy Noemiehis is a complete and sturdy recipe to prepare for a hungry family. You will mix the browned meat with vegetables, cheese, and cream. A delicious and tasty dish will be ready in about half an hour.Pork fillet mignon, two mustards and potatoesBy NoemieIf you don’t have much time to prepare a meal, try that quick and simple recipe. After browning the roast, you add up two types of mustards and cream. In the end, you will have a really tasty dish.Pork fillet mignon and dry apricotBy NoemieIn that recipe, you will prepare the roast in a slightly different way. Apricot and some Eastern spices will be added and will confer to the dish a unique taste.
Pork fillet mignon and cherriesBy NoemieHere is an interesting recipe if you like the mix of sour and sweet. The meat will be prepared with cherries. It will definitely confer a sweet taste to the dish and you could serve it with rice.Pork fillet mignon and vegetablesBy NoemieYou can prepare pork roast in many ways and it will always be a good complete meal. In that instance, you will mix it up with herbs, vegetables, and a few plums to add a personal touch.
Pork fillet mignon and lentilsBy NoemieHere, you have a pretty common combination of ingredients. You will mix the roast with some lentils. It should satisfy the most hungry person with that rich dishPork fillet mignon and onionsBy NoemieWith a pork roast, you can also cook it whole or cut it cubes. In that recipe, after cutting the roast, you will mix it up with a lot of onions and some pepper. The dish should be deliciousPork fillet mignon, coco and curryBy NoemieDo you want to try to prepare your pork roast in a different manner? This is a recipe for you. Here, you mix the pork with some Asian ingredients like coconut milk, bananas, ginger, and curry. It should be delicious.
Pork fillet mignon, apple and ciderBy NoemieHere you have an interesting combination of pork roast with apple and cider. This is a good mix to prepare that will make a really good dinner to share with your friends.