Browse Recipes
Mashed of potatoes and flat beansBy NoemiePotatoes make great mash because of there texture and starchy ways. Here we have another recipe for a baby where potatoes are mixed up with flat beans.
Mashed potatoes with parsnips and carrotsBy NoemieHere is another combination of ingredients to be mashed for a baby. You can also prepare a little more for further use. Potatoes, parsnip and carrots will be used in that recipe.
Mashed potatoes with chestnutBy NoemieHere is another nice combination of ingredients. Potatoes with chestnuts will give a really good mash. Great texture and delicious taste. Baby will be happy.
Mashed potatoes with pumpkinBy NoemieYou can't find an easier recipe to prepare for your baby. The preparation consists of potatoes and pumpkins mix up together to make a delicious mash.
Mashed potatoes with peas and carrotsBy NoemieProbably one of the favorite mash. In that recipe, potatoes, carrots, and peas will be mixed up to create a wonderful mash for a baby. It should taste great.
Mash potatoes with zucchinis and artichokeBy NoemieHere is a different combination of ingredients to mash. Potatoes, zucchini, and artichoke. The baby will get use to different tasting vegetables which is good.
Mashed potatoes with sugar beetBy NoemieHere is another preparation for a baby. In that case, potatoes are mixed up with some beets. A wonderful combination that will enchant the baby.
Mashed potatoes with onions and garlicBy NoemieThis potato mash for a baby will have a little more taste. Besides the potato, some onion and garlic in a very small amount will be added to the preparation.
Mash potatoes with sweet potatoesBy NoemieIn this recipe, 2 potatoes are mixed up together even if one of them isn't really a potato. Anyway, it will make a delicious meal for a baby.