Browse Recipes
One pot pasta with smoke salmon, zucchini, coconut milk and curryBy NoemieDo you want a one pot that tasted different? Let's try the recipe using pasta with salmon cooked in coconut milk. The addition of curry will confer a good flavor to the dish.
One pot pasta with tomato and frikandelBy NoemieThis is a very quick way to present a one-pot pasta if you are in a hurry. You just have to mix the pasta with mushrooms, tomatoes, and some sort of sausages. A few spices and herbs will enhance the dish.
One pot pasta with vegetable, ground meat, and cheeseBy NoemieWhat can you ask more of that complete recipe? The pasta will be mixed up with vegetables, meat, and cheese. The result should be a sturdy and healthy dish.
Penne pasta with red wineBy NoemieHere is a simple and quick recipe using fresh produce from the market. The pasta will be mixed up with mushrooms, tomatoes, and onions. before being cooked with wine and bouillon.
Pasta in a Spanish fashionBy NoemieYou can accommodate pasta with about anything. Her you have a combination of pasta and some pepper and good spices giving a Spanish touch to your dish.