Browse Recipes
Pork chops with mushrooms and chestnutBy NoemieMixing mushrooms with pork chops go very well together. In that case, you add also a few chestnuts to give it a wonderful texture. The result will be very good.
Zuccchini and goat cheeseBy NoemieZucchini is about available all year long even if they taste a lot better in season. It is also very quick to cook which makes it a favorite in our speed up world. Here you just mix it up with some soft goat cheese.
Zucchini and caraway seedBy NoemieZucchini is the perfect vegetable for a low-calorie diet. You can eat all you want without worry. In that recipe, you prepare zucchini with a few herbs to give it a distinctive taste.
Zucchini completeBy NoemieHere is a complete meal to feed your family. You take some zucchini and mix them with bacon, quinoa, and cheese. It is going to be a healthy dish and good tasting as well
Zucchini, chunk of chicken and soft creamy cheeseBy NoemieHere is a recipe for zucchinis with some spicy cheese and chicken. One’s everything is mixed up together, it will make a delicious meal to share with your friendExpress couscousBy NoemieHer is another version of a complete meal of meat and vegetables. You mix the semolina with some tasty, spicy meat and vegetables. The result will be a good sturdy dish with a wonderful aroma
Vegetarian couscousBy NoemieThis is a good vegetarian recipe. It may take a little time to cut up all the vegetables but the result will be worth it. With a lot of spices and herbs, the taste will be great.
Flat white wine sausage in a pork fat caul and potatoesBy NoemieHow about trying to prepare some flat sausage with potatoes and carrots in a thick tasty cream sauce? It will be a good sturdy meal to share with your family
Turkey thigh, cider and potatoesBy NoemieIn that recipe, you will cook the turkey thigh in cider. It will confer a special flavor to the dish. With some vegetables to accompany the meat, you will have the perfect dish.