Browse Recipes
Steam chicken with aniseBy NoemieSteam cooking is healthy. In that recipe, the chicken and vegetables sprinkle with anise powder will be cooked that way before being mixed up with cream and black olives.
Mash zucchini, sweet potatoes and ground steackBy NoemieAnother mash for a baby. This one will be made with sweet potatoes, zucchini, and a little meat. It will be healthy and sturdy meal well appreciated by the little one.
Mashed carrotsBy NoemieHere are the famous mash carrots that every baby must have eaten during there early days. The recipe is just that, carrots with a little spices, and cream to enrich it.
Mash carrots and eggplantsBy NoemieHere, we have a mash of eggplants and carrots for a baby or an adult as well. Mashes are generally appreciated by everybody and some can be very good.
Mash of carrots with pepper and tomatoesBy NoemieA couple more ingredients are added the mashed carrots. Some tomato and pepper will also be mixed up to make a delicious mash for the baby.
Mashed of fresh green beansBy NoemieMost vegetables can be mashed. In that case, we have green beans with potatoes to give it a better texture and cream to enrich and give it a better taste.
Mashed sweet potatoesBy NoemieDo you like sweet potato? You could prepare that quick and simple mash for your lonely supper. In no time it will be read. Very good and tasty as well.
Mashed of sweet potatoes with turnip and cheeseBy NoemieWhat is good with the mash is the cooking way. Using steam will help keep the vitamins and minerals. Here is another recipe for a baby with sweet potatoes and turnips.
Mashed of potatoes and flat beansBy NoemiePotatoes make great mash because of there texture and starchy ways. Here we have another recipe for a baby where potatoes are mixed up with flat beans.