Home Browse Recipes SwedenCategoriesAll CategoriesBaby recipebeverageDessertDietDishFirst courseHoliday dishSauceSoupSummer dishWorldCuisinesAll CuisinesAfricanAmericanAsianBelgianEnglishFrenchHungaryItalianMexicanPortugheseSpanishSwedenSwissTurkeyworldCooking MethodsAll Cooking Methodscooking pressureingredient cookingquick cookingroastroast stewsimmersteamstewwarmingTagsAll Tags##ovencookingNewest firstOldest firstAlphabetical (A-Z)Alphabetical (Z-A)Highest RatedLowest RatedSwedish meatballBy NoemieThis is a version of meatball with a touch on the north. Some good spices and a rich creamy sauce will make that dish a real winner when you serve it to your friend.
Swedish meatballBy NoemieThis is a version of meatball with a touch on the north. Some good spices and a rich creamy sauce will make that dish a real winner when you serve it to your friend.