In this recipe, the sauce will make all the difference. After cooking the tongue, you prepare a fancy sauce with Madeira wine. The dish will be delicious with a lot of flavors.

Soak the tongue in cold water with 15cl of vinegar for 1 hour
In the tank, put the carrot, onion, and cloves
Add the bouquet garnished, and the rest of vinegar
Salt, pepper
Add the tongue
Put the instant pot in pressure cooking mode 50min
Remove the rough skin and cut the tongue into slices
Keep the beef tongue
Put the instant pot in mode browning
Brown the butter and flour until lightly colored
Wet with the broth, whisking and adding broth until the sauce has the consistency of cream
Add the slices of tongue and mushrooms
Put in simmer mode for 30min
Add the Madeira wine (if your instant pot does not have the function simmer, cook 15min in pressure cooking)
Soak the tongue in cold water with 15cl of vinegar for 1 hour
In the tank, put the carrot, onion, and cloves
Add the bouquet garnished, and the rest of vinegar
Salt, pepper
Add the tongue
Put the instant pot in pressure cooking mode 50min
Remove the rough skin and cut the tongue into slices
Keep the beef tongue
Put the instant pot in mode browning
Brown the butter and flour until lightly colored
Wet with the broth, whisking and adding broth until the sauce has the consistency of cream
Add the slices of tongue and mushrooms
Put in simmer mode for 30min
Add the Madeira wine (if your instant pot does not have the function simmer, cook 15min in pressure cooking)