If you like Mexican food, you may want to try the easy recipe of chili con carne. Some rice will accompany the dish and you can share it with your weight watchers friends.

2 tbsp oil
250 g minced beef 5% fat
3 minced onions
1 clove garlic, crushed
400 g diced tomato pulp
1 red pepper, diced
280 g red beans, canned and cooked
2 tbsp Mexican spice
Salt, pepper
120 g rice
Put the instant pot in mode browning
Brown the meat in the oil with garlic and onion 3min
Add the tomato pulp with peppers, red beans spices, salt, and pepper
Switch to quick cooking 8 min
Put the rice to cook according to your preferences and serve with chili
2 tbsp oil
250 g minced beef 5% fat
3 minced onions
1 clove garlic, crushed
400 g diced tomato pulp
1 red pepper, diced
280 g red beans, canned and cooked
2 tbsp Mexican spice
Salt, pepper
120 g rice
Put the instant pot in mode browning
Brown the meat in the oil with garlic and onion 3min
Add the tomato pulp with peppers, red beans spices, salt, and pepper
Switch to quick cooking 8 min
Put the rice to cook according to your preferences and serve with chili