Duck breast and little yellow plums (mirabelle)


If you want something different, you can try the duck with yellow plums and cabbage. The little plums are very regional, growing in part of France and Switzerland. It will be an interesting dish to share with your friends.


Cérdit photo : NC

Yields4 Servings
Prep Time40 minsCook Time10 minsTotal Time50 mins


 2 duck breasts
 150 g frozen mirabelle plum half
 2 tbsp frozen minced onions
 2 tbsp honey
 2 tbsp old-fashioned mustard
 2 tbsp roasted pine nuts
 40 ml Mirabelle plum brandy
 200 ml poultry broth
 30 g semi-salted butter in small cubes
 600 g Romanesco cabbage


Put the instant pot in mode browning

Brown the duck on the skin side for 5 minutes

Remove the duck and set aside

Empty the fat (do not rinse the vat)

Deglaze the bottom of the vat with brandy

Add the plums, onion, honey, mustard, the pine nuts, and poultry broth

Put the duck breasts in the sauce

Place the steam basket on top and put the cabbage in it

Put the instant pot in pressure cooking 4min

Remove the cabbage and duck breasts leaving the rest in the bowl

Add the salted butter in the sauce and put the duck breasts back in until ready to serve


 2 duck breasts
 150 g frozen mirabelle plum half
 2 tbsp frozen minced onions
 2 tbsp honey
 2 tbsp old-fashioned mustard
 2 tbsp roasted pine nuts
 40 ml Mirabelle plum brandy
 200 ml poultry broth
 30 g semi-salted butter in small cubes
 600 g Romanesco cabbage


Put the instant pot in mode browning

Brown the duck on the skin side for 5 minutes

Remove the duck and set aside

Empty the fat (do not rinse the vat)

Deglaze the bottom of the vat with brandy

Add the plums, onion, honey, mustard, the pine nuts, and poultry broth

Put the duck breasts in the sauce

Place the steam basket on top and put the cabbage in it

Put the instant pot in pressure cooking 4min

Remove the cabbage and duck breasts leaving the rest in the bowl

Add the salted butter in the sauce and put the duck breasts back in until ready to serve

Duck breast and little yellow plums (mirabelle)

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