Figs make good jam. When in season and the tree are full of them, it is a good time to make the jam. You can also freeze the figs for later use. It can be fun to make jam in the middle of winter when it is cold outside.

Put the instant pot in mode browning
Brown the figs and sugar during preheating
Add the agar-agar and water
Put the instant pot in pressure cooking mode 10min
At the end of cooking, take the tank out of the instant pot to let it cool
Put the jam in jars
Close the lid
Turn the pot over until they are cool
Put the instant pot in mode browning
Brown the figs and sugar during preheating
Add the agar-agar and water
Put the instant pot in pressure cooking mode 10min
At the end of cooking, take the tank out of the instant pot to let it cool
Put the jam in jars
Close the lid
Turn the pot over until they are cool