That recipe will have a special touch with honey. After browning the meat, it will be cooked with red wine and honey. It should give a unique taste to the dish.

1 kg pork loin in cubes
100 g plain bacon
1 onion, minced
1 tbsp flour
1 tbsp oil
1 tbsp honey
150 ml red wine
150 ml water
Thyme and bay leaf
Salt, pepper
Put the instant pot in browning mode
Brown the pork sprinkled with flour
Add the bacon and onion
Brown together
Add the salt and pepper
Add the honey
Add the water and wine
Switch the instant pot to pressure mode 12min
Serve with steamed potatoes
1 kg pork loin in cubes
100 g plain bacon
1 onion, minced
1 tbsp flour
1 tbsp oil
1 tbsp honey
150 ml red wine
150 ml water
Thyme and bay leaf
Salt, pepper
Put the instant pot in browning mode
Brown the pork sprinkled with flour
Add the bacon and onion
Brown together
Add the salt and pepper
Add the honey
Add the water and wine
Switch the instant pot to pressure mode 12min
Serve with steamed potatoes