If you want a real Mexican dish, you will have to spice it up a little bit. Of course, it will depend to whom it's going to be served. Anyway, it's a simple and quick dish to prepare with a lot of colors to it.

1 red pepper cut into small pieces
6 merguez
200 g sweet chorizo
1 large can peeled tomato
300 ml water
200 g rice
Brown the red pepper, merguez and chorizo for 10 minutes.
Then add a large can of peeled tomato. Allow to brown again for 4 minutes.
Add 300 ml of water and 200g of rice. Mix and cook under pressure for 10 minutes. It's ready!
1 red pepper cut into small pieces
6 merguez
200 g sweet chorizo
1 large can peeled tomato
300 ml water
200 g rice
Brown the red pepper, merguez and chorizo for 10 minutes.
Then add a large can of peeled tomato. Allow to brown again for 4 minutes.
Add 300 ml of water and 200g of rice. Mix and cook under pressure for 10 minutes. It's ready!