

Are you going to watch a nice movie tonight? Maybe, you could prepare some homemade popcorn. Very simple and you may put sugar or salt on them depending on your mood.



Yields1 Serving
Prep Time10 minsCook Time5 minsTotal Time15 mins


 Corn for pop corn
 Fat (oil, butter, margarine...)
 Sugar or salt


Put the instant pot in mode browning

Just before the end of the preheating put the fat

At the end of the preheating, add the corn

Lower the lid without closing it

The corn will burst after 1 or 2 min

You can stop the instant pot when you no longer hear "Pop"

Put the popcorn in a bowl

Add the sugar or salt

You can add a little melted butter in the popcorn before adding the sugar

Category, CuisineCooking Method


 Corn for pop corn
 Fat (oil, butter, margarine...)
 Sugar or salt


Put the instant pot in mode browning

Just before the end of the preheating put the fat

At the end of the preheating, add the corn

Lower the lid without closing it

The corn will burst after 1 or 2 min

You can stop the instant pot when you no longer hear "Pop"

Put the popcorn in a bowl

Add the sugar or salt

You can add a little melted butter in the popcorn before adding the sugar


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