Pork fillet mignon, coco and curry


Do you want to try to prepare your pork roast in a different manner? This is a recipe for you. Here, you mix the pork with some Asian ingredients like coconut milk, bananas, ginger, and curry. It should be delicious.


Cérdit photo : NC

Yields2 Servings
Prep Time30 minsCook Time30 minsTotal Time1 hr


 1 pork tenderloin
 100 g frozen onion
 2 tbsp curry
 400 ml coconut milk
 Salt, pepper
 1 cm of fresh ginger
 2 tbsp grated coconut
 1 ripe banana


Put the instant pot in mode browning

Brown the onions and filet mignon in a little oil for 10min

Add the ginger and curry


Pepper, salt

Add the coconut milk

Switch the instant pot to pressure cooking mode 15min

Cut the banana into pieces

At the end of cooking, add the banana and grated coconut

Put back in pressure cooking 5min

Serve with rice

CategoryCuisineCooking Method,


 1 pork tenderloin
 100 g frozen onion
 2 tbsp curry
 400 ml coconut milk
 Salt, pepper
 1 cm of fresh ginger
 2 tbsp grated coconut
 1 ripe banana


Put the instant pot in mode browning

Brown the onions and filet mignon in a little oil for 10min

Add the ginger and curry


Pepper, salt

Add the coconut milk

Switch the instant pot to pressure cooking mode 15min

Cut the banana into pieces

At the end of cooking, add the banana and grated coconut

Put back in pressure cooking 5min

Serve with rice

Pork fillet mignon, coco and curry

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