This is a pumpkin risotto. A lot of vegetables mixed up with rice. On top, a few scallops will accompany the rest of the dish. A good meal for you and your friend.

Put the pumpkins in the steam basket with 200ml of water
Start the pressure cooking mode 4min
Empty and dry the tank
Put the instant pot in mode browning
Brown the pumpkin in a little oil
Add the saffron and rice
Cover the water rice
Add the cube
Put the instant pot in pressure cooking mode 10min
At the end of the cooking, put the scallops on the rice and close the lid
Keep warm 10min
Put the pumpkins in the steam basket with 200ml of water
Start the pressure cooking mode 4min
Empty and dry the tank
Put the instant pot in mode browning
Brown the pumpkin in a little oil
Add the saffron and rice
Cover the water rice
Add the cube
Put the instant pot in pressure cooking mode 10min
At the end of the cooking, put the scallops on the rice and close the lid
Keep warm 10min