This is a recipe is the same style that the preceding one. Instead of using carrots, you make the tagliatelle with zucchini. Meat and cheese will be added to the preparation.
2 medium courgettes cut into tagliatelles with a peeler
2 tomatoes in pieces
Slices of duck breast or raw ham
Parmesan shavings
20 g of pine nuts
Olive oil
Salt, pepper
Put the instant pot in browning mode
Brown the pine nuts dry
Remove and set aside
Put a little oil and brown the zucchinis 5min
Add the tomatoes, basil, parmesan cheese
Salt, pepper
Add the duck breast (or ham)
Add the pine nuts
Put the instant pot back into pressure cooking 5min
2 medium courgettes cut into tagliatelles with a peeler
2 tomatoes in pieces
Slices of duck breast or raw ham
Parmesan shavings
20 g of pine nuts
Olive oil
Salt, pepper
Put the instant pot in browning mode
Brown the pine nuts dry
Remove and set aside
Put a little oil and brown the zucchinis 5min
Add the tomatoes, basil, parmesan cheese
Salt, pepper
Add the duck breast (or ham)
Add the pine nuts
Put the instant pot back into pressure cooking 5min