In that recipe, you will cook the turkey thigh in cider. It will confer a special flavor to the dish. With some vegetables to accompany the meat, you will have the perfect dish.

Put the instant pot in mode browning
Fry the bacon and onions
Add the turkey leg Salt, pepper
Add the thyme
Add the cider and vegetables
Put the instant pot in pressure cooking mode 18min
Once the cooking is finished remove the turkey from the tank
Replace with the potatoes
Put the potatoes in quick cooking 10min
Put the instant pot in mode browning
Fry the bacon and onions
Add the turkey leg Salt, pepper
Add the thyme
Add the cider and vegetables
Put the instant pot in pressure cooking mode 18min
Once the cooking is finished remove the turkey from the tank
Replace with the potatoes
Put the potatoes in quick cooking 10min