This is going to be a recipe to prepare when you have a lot of mushrooms available. You will cook the meat rolls and make a thick creamy sauce with the mushrooms to accompany the veal.

4 veal meat rolls
1 small can of mushrooms
100 ml white wine
1 cup veal broth
Fresh cream
Put the instant pot in mode browning
Fry the meat rolls
Add the mushrooms, white wine and diluted broth in a little water
Switch the instant pot to pressure cooking mode 10min
Add the fresh cream
4 veal meat rolls
1 small can of mushrooms
100 ml white wine
1 cup veal broth
Fresh cream
Put the instant pot in mode browning
Fry the meat rolls
Add the mushrooms, white wine and diluted broth in a little water
Switch the instant pot to pressure cooking mode 10min
Add the fresh cream