Vegetables soup from Elodie


This is a good soup for cold winter days. It comprises of stew types of vegetables like carrots, celery root, leek, and so on. It will be a sturdy and healthy soup.


Vegetables soup from Elodie
Cérdit photo : Elodie Bazoge

Yields4 Servings
Prep Time15 minsCook Time15 minsTotal Time30 mins


 1 package of stew vegetable
 1 bouillon cube


Peel and cut vegetables

Put all ingredients in the bowl

Cover vegetables with water

Put the crumbled bouillon cube

Cook 13 minutes in quick cooking or under pressure

Mix until desired consistency is obtained

Category, CuisineCooking Method


 1 package of stew vegetable
 1 bouillon cube


Peel and cut vegetables

Put all ingredients in the bowl

Cover vegetables with water

Put the crumbled bouillon cube

Cook 13 minutes in quick cooking or under pressure

Mix until desired consistency is obtained

Vegetables soup from Elodie

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