Browse Recipes
Duck breast, cherries and PortBy NoemieWhen the cherries are in season, you could try to prepare that easy recipe. Take a few pitted cherries and mix them up with the duck slices. The whole dish served in a Port and cream sauce.Duck breast and pepper sauceBy NoemieThe difference in that recipe will be the sauce. You will prepare your duck in the usual way before adding a lot of pepper to the sauce. If you have time, you may crunch your own fresh pepper. Duck breast, potatoes, green beans and chestnutBy NoemieThis is a recipe for cold wet days. You mix the duck with healthy vegetables and herbs. It will be a sturdy well flavor dish appreciated by your friend.Mackerel with mustard and white wineBy NoemieHere is an interesting and healthy recipe. You will use mackerels, mix them up with wheat and vegetables. The sauce will be prepared with mustard and white wine. A delicious dish to enjoy with your friend.Vapor cooked mackerel, potatoes and parsleyBy NoemieAre you looking for a light calorie dinner? That recipe of fish cooked with vapor would fall in that category. After cooking the fish, you fried a few potatoes in a little oil to accompany the mackerel.Sea food potBy NoemieDo you want a good and easy meal to fix and you like seafood? Try that simple recipe of mix up seafood, rice, and tomato sauce. In no time, your dinner will be ready to serve. Mussels pot and riceBy NoemieIf you like mussels and are in a hurry, you may want to try that quick and simple pot. In that recipe, you will mix the seafood with rice and onions before cooking them. Red potBy NoemieThis is a title that portends a colorful dish. Indeed, you will prepare that recipe with red spices and tomatoes. It will be mixed up in a pot with sausages, white beans, and carrots. Sarthe potBy NoemieThis pot is composed of multiple meat and vegetables. If you have a hungry crowd coming for dinner, this is the right recipe to prepare. Everybody will be delighted in the dish.